Tuesday, June 29, 2010

When the world slips you a Jeffrey, you stroke the furry wall.

Get Him to The Greek

I hadn't seen a movie in the theaters since Sex & the City 2, an experience which clearly scarred me, so I wanted the next film I saw to be enjoyable, something that wouldn't waste my time and money with. I made a good choice with Get Him to the Greek. This "sequel" to Forgetting Sarah Marshall is funny and surprisingly heartwarming.

Russell Brand created such a memorable character in rocker Aldous Snow in Forgetting Sarah Marshall, it was great to see him take center stage. Russell Brand is hilarious and very talented;I'd really like to see him succeed in America. Everything move he makes and every word that comes out of his mouth is comedy. I always enjoy Jonah Hill and though he's still as funny as ever, his role is a bit different for him. Instead of being a cocky (yet hilarious) son-of-a-bitch, he's a less confident good guy. It's nice to see him slowly venturing into trying something new (hint hint Michael Cera). P. Diddy was even enjoyable. He had some of the film's best one-liners.

The humor is fairly constant. I left throughout most of the movie and at practically every joke. These laughs weren't side splitting, but lots of giggles and smiles. Some of the jokes & scenes dragged, causing the moments to loose some humor. But still, laughs all around.

Even further, the film is a great buddy comedy. The relationship that emerges between Brand and Hill's character is quite sweet. They support and look after each other, in the most traditional and unusual ways. It's wonderful to seeing a life-long friendship emerge from these guy's rock-n-roll shenanigans.

The one point that reaaallllllyyy bothered me was the lack of acknowledgement that Hill and Brand's characters had met in Forgetting Sarah Marshall. Hill played a waiter at the Hawaiian resort Brand stayed at and the two had several encounters. There's a cameo by actress Sarah Marshall (Kristen Bell) and Snow remembering their trysts but no acknowledgement that Brand and Hill met, not by either character. Maybe Hill's character was supposed to be completely different, I don't know. It bothered me.

If you want to go see a feel good comedy, Get Him to the Greek is excellent. It's no The Hangover, but definitely on the level of I Love You, Man.

Steve Buschemi in Paris, je t'aime

There are so many great actors and great segments in Paris, je t'aime, but Steve Buschemi in the Coen Brothers' piece is one of the finer moments. He never talks; it's all in his physicality and reactions. Don't get me wrong, Buschemi is brilliant and can do wonders with his voice and lines, but he does just as well (maybe better) with no words. He's played a lot of memorable characters and while this is one of the least known, it's definitely one of the best.


Chloe-Great cast.
An Education-Love, love, love. Must see again until I can see my girl Carey Mulligan in something else.
Doctor Who-Most of my Netflix Instant queue is dominated by TV. This is one show I'd love to watch.

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